I was sick for a few days, and each member of my immediate family was sick either before or after me, then I had a little surgery, and then… I stopped writing on this web site. Well, it’s been a couple of weeks anyway, which for me is a huge amount of time.
And now… what to write about?
Getting back to the blinking cursor on a white page reminded me of some invaluable advice that an editor once gave me.
In short, he pointed out that if I write something, then he can edit it. If I don’t, then he can’t.
The way to get started with a project (or a paragraph, or a sentence), is to get something on paper, good or bad. Once there’s something to work with, then we can make changes.
This goes for just about everything that I ever need to do.
This, the shortest Save the Semicolon blog post ever, is brought to you using the Write SOMEthing method of getting back on the horse.
Glad you’re back. Hope your “little surgery” went well.